Iryna Stoliarchuk.
Attorney at law
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.William Henley
Irina specializes in protecting business and its assets from illegal offences of raiders and regulatory authorities, resolution of complex corporate conflicts between shareholders, representation and protection of clients’ interests in banking disputes.
She is the author of more than 50 articles and comments in popular legal and business editions of Ukraine, such as: Focus, Liga.Business, LigaZakon, Yuridicheskaya Gazeta, Yuridicheskaya Praktika, Ukrainian Lawyer, Ukrainian Attorney at Law and others. Irina is the lecturer of different courses at educational platforms Legal High School and Leadership in Law.
- Competition “Lawyer of the Year” by Ukrainian Advocates’ Association (UAA), 2020 – TOP-5 best lawyers in the field of corporate law;
- “Choice of the Client. TOP 100 Best Lawyers of Ukraine “, 2019 – among the winners of Tax Law practice;
- Competition “Lawyer of the Year” by UAA, 2019 – the winner in Banking and Finance practice.
Key clients
- LLC “FC “Central Capital”;
- PJSC “Myronivsky plant for the manufacturing groats and feeds”;
- Metinvest Group of Companies;
- Ukrtelecom PJSC;
- Kalina LLC.
Key projects
- protecting the interests of the client who received a loan from a banking institution in a dispute on the recognition of obligations under the loan agreements terminated (the total amount of USD 115 million);
- representing the interests of PJSC “Myronivsky plant for the manufacturing groats and feeds” in economic dispute on invalidation of the transaction in the amount of USD 100 million;
- a group of litigations regarding raider take-over of the client’s real estate in the amount of USD 2.2 million;
- representing the large financial company in five litigations concerning restoration of ownership of an office center seized by raiders in Kyiv with total value of USD 1 million;
- protection of the interests of LLC “FC “Central Capital”, the property of which was retired from ownership on the basis of forged documents, with total project capitalization of USD 1 million;
- protecting the interests of Kalina Business Development Company LLC in a corporate conflict, creating the strategy of conflict elimination and its actual implementation;
- representation of Ukrtelecom PJSC in a dispute with software service company on termination of the contract and recovery of losses in the amount of USD 638 thousand;
- protection of the interests of the owner of a gas station network in Odessa region, which was retired from the client’s ownership on the basis of a number of illegal actions, with total project capitalization of USD 500 thousand;
- representing the interests of LLC “FC “Central Capital” in the economic dispute on enforcement of pledge being a shopping center in Kharkiv with total value of USD 319 thousand.
- Ukrainian Bar Association
- Ukrainian Advocates’ Association
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Master of Law
- English;
- Ukrainian;
- Russian.